
表示论和复几何 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

表示论和复几何 英文
  • Neil Chriss著 著
  • 出版社: 世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • ISBN:7510040573
  • 出版时间:2012
  • 标注页数:495页
  • 文件大小:90MB
  • 文件页数:509页
  • 主题词:


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Chapter 0.Introduction1

Chapter 1.Symplectic Geometry21

1.1. Symplectic Manifolds21

1.2. Poisson Algebras24

1.3. Poisson Structures arising from Noncommutative Algebras26

1.4. The Moment Map41

1.5. Coisotropic Subvarieties49

1.6. Lagrangan Families57

Chapter 2.Mosaic61

2.1. Hilbert's Nullstellensatz61

2.2. Affine Algebraic Varieties63

2.3. The Deformation Construction73

2.4. C-actions on a projective variety81

2.5. Fixed Point Reduction90

2.6. Borel-Moore Homology93

2.7. Convolution in Borel-Moore Homology110

Chapter 3.Complex Semisimple Groups127

3.1. Semisimple Lie Algebras and Flag Varieties127

3.2. Nilpotent Cone144

3.3. The Steinberg Variety154

3.4. Lagrangian Construction ofthe Weyl Group161

3.5. Geometric Analysis of H(Z)-action168

3.6. Irreducible Representations of Weyl Groups175

3.7. Applications of the Jacobson-Morozov Theorem183

Chapter 4.Springer Theory for U(s ln)193

4.1. Geometric Construction of the Enveloping Algebra U(sln(C))193

4.2. Finite-Dimensional Simplesln(C)-Modules199

4.3. Proofof the Main Theorem206

4.4. Stabilization214

Chapter 5.Equivariant K-Theory231

5.1. Equivariant Resolutions231

5.2. Basic K-Theoretic Constructions243

5.3. Specialization in Equivariant K-Theory254

5.4. The Koszul Complex and the Thom Isomorphism260

5.5 Cellular Fibration Lemma269

5.6. The Kiinneth Formula273

5.7. Projective Bundle Theorem and Beilinson Resolution276

5.8. The Chern Character280

5.9. The Dimension Filtration and“Devissage”286

5.10. The Localization Theorem292

5.11. Functoriality296

Chapter 6.Flag Varieties,K-Theory,and Harmonic Polynomials303

6.1. Equivariant K-Theory of the Flag Variety303

6.2. Equivariant K-Theory of the Steinberg Variety311

6.3. Harmonic Polynomials315

6.4. W-Harmonic Polynomials and Flag Varieties321

6.5. Orbital Varieties329

6.6. The Equivariant Hilbert Polynomial335

6.7. Kostant's Theorem on Polynomial Rings346

Chapter 7.Hecke Algebras and K-Theory361

7.1. AffineWeyl Groups and Hecke Algebras361

7.2. Main Theorems366

7.3. Case q=1:Deformation Argument370

7.4. Hilbert Polynomials and Orbital Varieties383

7.5. The Hecke Algebra for SL2389

7.6. Proof of the Main Theorem395

Chapter 8.Representations of Convolution Algebras411

8.1. Standard Modules411

8.2. Character Formula for Standard modules418

8.3. Constructible Complexes421

8.4. Perverse Sheaves and the Classification Theorem433

8.5. The Contravariant Form438

8.6. Sheaf-Theoretic Analysis of the Convolution Algebra445

8.7. Projective Modules over Convolution Algebra460

8.8. A Non-Vanishing Result468

8.9. Semi-Small Maps479

