在语言学的道路上 于根元自选集【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 于根元著 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京广播学院出版社
- ISBN:7810853902
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:228页
- 文件大小:11MB
- 文件页数:241页
- 主题词:汉语-语法-现代-文集
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敦煌变文“是”字用法分析 Analysis of the Use of the Word"Shi(be/yes)"in Dunhuang Locutionary Words1
重叠四字格杂议 Views on the 4-Word Repetition Structure6
上海话的“勒勒”和普通话的“在、着” "Le Le"in Shanghai Dialect and"Zai/Zhe (-ing)"in Standard Chinese13
说“全都……只有……” On"All…Except for…"22
关于动词后附“着”的使用 About the Use of"Zhe(-ing)"after Verb27
反问句的性质和作用 The Nature and Function of Tag Question39
反问句的某些形式标志 Some Form Markers of Tag Question50
动宾式短语动词的类化作用 The Type Function of Verb+Object Phrase57
不停地+V "Bu Ting De(continuously)"+ Verb63
副+名 Adverb+Noun67
说“友” On"You(friend)"75
20世纪的中国应用语言学研究 China's Applied Linguistics Research of the 20th Century80
应用语言学的基本理论 Basic Theories of Appliedl Linguistics87
关于语言内核外层互补说 About the Mutual Complement Between the Language Core and Crust Theory96
关于语言学及应用语言学研究方法的若干认识 Some Views on the Research Method of Linguistics and Applied Ljnguisdcs103
制订语言计划的若干原则 Several Criteria for the Formulation of Language Program118
语言的潜、显及其他 The Covert and Overt of Language and Else122
语言传意和传意者 Language Communication and Communicator132
语言的本质和语言教学 The Nature of Language and Language Teaching138
整理网络词语的若干思考——《中国网络语言词典》前言 Reflections on Intemet Words——Preface of Chinese Internet Langtuzage Dictionary146
网络语言冲击波——《网络语言概说》前言 Shock Wave of Interact Language——Preface of An Introduction to Internet Language154
同“非网络文学”比肩的标志——评《蒙面之城》的语言 Emblem of the Rival to"Non-Intemet Literature"——Comment on the Language of Masked City163
汉语现代风格学的建筑群——读四部有关的新著 Architecture Block of the Chinese Modem Stylistics——Reading Four Related New Works172
关于媒体语言研究的若干思考 Reflections on Media Language Research186
文学作品中的新词语 Newly Emerged Expressions in Literary Works193
新词新语和语言规范 Newly Emerged Words and Expressions and Language Standardization199
整理汉语新词语的若干思考 Reflections on the Collecting of Newly Emerged Expressions in Chinese204
词语的时空分布 The Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Words and Phrases212
新词新语规范基本原则 Basic Principles for the Standardization of Newly Emerged Words and Expressions219
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