真实语境国际英语语法 易学易练 基础篇【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- HesterLott,钟玲,文娟编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京语言大学出版社
- ISBN:9787561933121
- 出版时间:2012
- 标注页数:235页
- 文件大小:121MB
- 文件页数:239页
- 主题词:英语-语法-自学参考资料
真实语境国际英语语法 易学易练 基础篇PDF格式电子书版下载
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the present现在时6
1 present simple (I listen)一般现在时6
2 present simple—negatives and questions一般现在时——否定句和疑问句8
3 present simple of be (I am)be动词的一般现在时10
4 present simple of be—negatives and questions be动词的一般现在时——否定句和疑问句12
5 present continuous(I am listening)现在进行时14
6 present continuous—negatives and questions现在进行时——否定句和疑问句16
7 present simple or present continuous一般现在时和现在进行时的比较18
8 verbs not used in the continuous (I know, I want)不能用进行时的动词20
the past过去时24
9 past simple (I listened)一般过去时24
10 past simple—negatives and questions一般过去时——否定句和疑问句26
11 past simple of be (I was) be动词的一般过去时28
12 past continuous (I was listening)过去进行时30
13 past simple or past continuous一般过去时和过去进行时的比较32
14 present perfect simple (I have listened)现在完成时34
15 present perfect or past simple现在完成时和一般过去时的比较36
16 present perfect continuous (I’ve been listening)现在完成进行时38
17 used to used to的用法40
18 past perfect (I had listened)过去完成时42
the future 将来时46
19 present tense with future meaning (it starts,he’s starting)现在时态表示将来意义46
20 be going to (I’m going to start)be going to句型48
21 will and shall(I’ll start) will和shall的用法50
people and things人和物54
22 nouns—singular and plural 名词——单数和复数54
23 nouns—countable and uncountable 名词——可数和不可数56
24 a,an and the冠词58
25 names, with and without the 名称——有还是没有the60
26 places, with and without the (go to the cinema, go to work)地点——有还是没有the62
27 I/me and she/her人称代词的主格和宾格66
28 my, his etc.形容词性物主代词68
29 this and these; that and those指示代词70
30 some and any some和any的用法72
31 empty subjects—there is/was and it is/was虚主语74
32 not any, no, none不定代词not any, no, none78
33 all,every,the whole,a lot of,more,most不定代词all,every,the whole,a lot of,more,most80
34 many,much,a few,a bit of不定代词many,much,a few,a bit of82
35 each,every,both,either and neither不定代词each,every,both,either和neither84
36 one and ones不定代词one和ones86
37 someone,anything,everywhere etc.不定代词someone,anything,everywhere等88
38 possessives:’s,s’and of所有格90
39 mine, myself etc.名词性物主代词和反身代词92
40 adjectives (long,good)形容词94
41 bored or boring bored还是boring96
42 comparative adjectives(longer,better)形容词的比较级98
43 superlative adjectives(the longest,the best)形容词的最高级100
44 enough and too enough和too的用法102
45 adverbs 1—probability and manner副词1——可能性和方式106
46 adverbs 2—time and place副词2——时间和地点108
47 adverbs 3—focusing (just,only)and modifying(really,very,quite)副词3——强调和修饰110
48 space prepositions 1 (in,on,into,out of)空间介词1114
49 space prepositions 2 (at,to,from)空间介词2116
50 space prepositions 3 (under,behind,in front of etc.)空间介词3118
51 time prepositions (on, at, for, since etc.)时间介词120
52 preposition+noun (on holiday, in love, by mistake etc.)介词+名词122
53 other prepositional uses(by,at,about,with)其他介词的用法124
54 for, from,of for,from,of的用法126
55 imperatives (hurry up,don’t stop)祈使句130
56 ‘yes/no’ questions(Is he Swiss? Do you have a ticket?)一般疑问句132
57 question words(what,where,why,how etc.)疑问词134
58 object and subject questions宾语和主语疑问句136
59 negative questions(Aren’t you cold?)否定疑问句138
60 short responses(yes I am,so do l,he is too,neither do they)简短回答140
61 tag questions and answers(aren’t I, didn’t they,shouldn’t you)反意疑问句及其回答142
62 short questions (Have you? Don’t they? Will she?)简短问句144
the passive被动语态148
63 passive I (the room is being cleaned)被动语态1148
64 passive 2 (the house was sold)被动语态2150
65 passive 3 (he has been arrested)被动语态3152
special verbs特殊的动词156
66 make and do make和do的用法156
67 get get的用法158
68 have, have got, have got to have, have got, have got to的用法160
69 can and could can和could的用法162
70 may and might may和might的用法164
71 would would的用法166
72 must and need to (we must buy,I need to write.)must和need to的用法168
73 should and ought to should和ought to的用法170
74 verb + ing form (enjoy singing, delay leaving)动词+动词-ing形式174
75 verb+ing forms with and without the (start the cleaning, stop cleaning)动词+有the和没有the的动词-ing形式176
76 verb+object+to infinitive (Jack wanted Rosa to be.)动词+宾语+不定式178
77 verb+object+object (Lauren sent me a letter.)动词+宾语+宾语180
78 verb+what, where, that etc(Do you know where Tom lives?)动词+what,where, that等从句182
79 adjective+preposition (happy with)形容词+介词184
80 more on verb+preposition(look at,listen to)动词+介词186
81 phrasal verbs 1—verb+adverb(get away,come in)短语动词1——动词+副词188
82 phrasal verbs 2—verb+object+adverb (take the rubbish out,send the letter off)短语动词2——动词+宾语+副词190
83 conditional 1 (if you are…unless you do…)条件句1192
84 conditional 2 (if you did…you would…if you had done…you would have…)条件句2194
85 mixed conditionals etc(if you had got the job, you would work with me)混合条件句等196
86 relative clauses(That’s the dog which bit me!)关系从句(定语从句)200
87 time clauses (while, until, as soon as etc.)时间状语从句202
88 adding and contrasting clauses (and, but, although, even if)并列句和对比句204
89 explaining and alternative clauses (because, or etc.)解释性分句和选择分句206
90 reporting speech (I said I was…Jan thinks that he is…)直接引语和间接引语210
91 ask and tell ask和tell的用法214
Table 1: types of words and their use in sentences不同词性的词及其在句子中的用法218
Table 2: irregular past forms不规则动词的过去式和过去分词222
Table 3: irregular noun plurals and special cases不规则名词的复数及特例224
Table 4: pronunciation发音226
Table 5: common idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs英语常用固定搭配及短语动词228
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