注册护士考试指南 国外护士注册考试试题分析及应试技巧【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 刘玲主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京医科大学、中国协和医科大学联合出版社
- ISBN:7810711075
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:480页
- 文件大小:22MB
- 文件页数:490页
- 主题词:护理学(学科: 考核 学科: 解题) 护理学
注册护士考试指南 国外护士注册考试试题分析及应试技巧PDF格式电子书版下载
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1 内科护理 Adult Medical Mursing1
1.0 引言(Foreward)1
1.1 消化系统(Digestive System)2
1.2 呼吸系统(Respiratory System)15
1.3 心血管系统(Cardiovascular System)21
1.4 泌尿生殖系统(Genitourinary System)37
1.5 内分泌系统(Endocrine System)44
1.6 血液系统(Blood System)52
1.7 神经系统(Neurologica System)55
2 外科护理 Adult Surgical Nursing63
2.0 引言(Foreward)64
2.1 围手术期护理(Perioperactive Nursing)64
2.2 普通外科护理(General Surgical Nursing)82
2.3 骨科护理(Skeletal Nursing)119
2.4 神经外科护理(Neurologic Surgical Nursing)135
2.5 胸外科护理(Thoracic Surgical Nursing)138
2.6 泌尿外科护理(Urinary Surgical Nursing)144
2.7 眼科护理(Ophthalmological Nursing)148
2.8 耳鼻喉、口腔护理(Otorhinolaryngological and Stomatological Nursing)156
3 产科护理 Maternity Nursing162
3.0 引言(Foreward)162
3.1 妊娠及母体变化(Pregnancy and Antepartum Maternal Changes)163
3.2 妊娠诊断(Diagnosis of Pregnancy)165
3.3 产前保健(Antepartal/Prenatal Care)170
3.4 正常分娩及产程中护理(Normal Delivery and Intrapartum Care)183
3.5 产后护理(Postpartum/Puerperium Care)193
3.6 新生儿的特点和护理(Characteristics and Nursing of the Newborns)198
3.7 病理妊娠及妊娠并发症(Abnormality and Complications in Pregnancy)204
3.8 子宫肌瘤(Leiomyoma of Uterus)218
3.9 更年期综合征(Climacteric Syndrome)220
4 儿科护理 Pediatric Nursing223
4.0 引言(Foreward)223
4.1 儿科护理的一般原则(General Principles of Pediatric Nursing)224
4.2 新生儿疾病的护理(Nursing of Newborn Diseases)232
4.3 消化系统和呼吸系统疾病的护理(Nursing of Digestive and Respiratory System Diseaeses)238
4.4 循环系统疾病的护理(Nursing of Cardiovascular System Diseases)243
4.5 泌尿系统疾病的护理(Nursing of Urinary System Diseases)245
4.6 造血系统疾病的护理(Nursing of Hemopoietic System Diseases)249
4.7 神经、肌肉系统疾病的护理(Nursing of Nervous and Muscular System Diseases)251
4.8 结缔组织疾病的护理(Nursing of Connective Tissue Diseases)254
4.9 内分泌系统疾病的护理(Nursing of Endocrine System Diseases)258
4.10 遗传性疾病的护理(Nursing of Genetic Diseases)260
4.11 小儿外科疾病的护理(Nursing of Pediatric Surgery)262
4.12 儿科肿瘤的护理(Nursing of Pediatric Tumor)269
4.13 其它常见疾病的护理(Nursing of Other Common Diseases)271
5 精神科护理 Psychiatric Nursing275
5.0 引言(Foreward)275
5.1 精神科护理一般原则(General Principles of Psychiatric Nursing)276
5.2 焦虑症(Anxiety Disorder)279
5.3 神经性厌食(Anorexia Nervosa)287
5.4 酒药依赖问题(Alcohol and Drug Dependence)290
5.5 儿童、青少年精神障碍及人格问题(Mental Disorders in Children or Adolescents and Personality Problems)296
5.6 自杀(Suicide)301
5.7 抑郁症(Depression Disorder)306
5.8 躁狂症(Mania)316
5.9 精神分裂症(Schizophrenia)320
5.10 偏执障碍(Paranoia Disorder)338
5.11 痴呆(Dementia)341
6.1 护理程序和病人需求--护理应试的两条主线(Nursing Process and Client Needs--Two Basic Guidelines)345
6 护理考试应试技巧 Strategies in Nursing Tests345
6.2 应试十大原则(Ten Tips in Effective Test-Taking)363
6.3 沉着应试(More Facts about Test-Taking)368
7 注册护师模拟试题 Simulated Nursing Tests For Registered Nurses370
模拟试题(Simulated Tests)370
答案与分析(Answers and Analyses)394
8 护理考试英语语言部分 The English Language Portion of the Nursing Examinations406
8.1 英语试题分析(Analysis of English Proficiency Tests)407
8.2 英语模拟试题:词汇结构部分(Simulated English Language Tests:Vocabulary and Structure)409
9.1 临床护理交流的原则和技巧(Principles and Strategies of Communication in Nursing Setting)423
9 口语与面试 Oral Practice and Interview423
9.2 情景反应(Situations and Possible Responses)428
9.3 口头作文(Oral Compositions)434
9.4 面试问答(Questions and Answers for Interviews)442
10 开放思想,扩大视野 Reach Out and Broaden Your Horizon456
中国护士入国途径介绍(Channels for Chinese Nurses to Work and Study Abroad)459
护士劳务输入国简介(Brief Introductions of the Countries Where Chinese Nurses Are Employed)463
后记 Postscript479
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