

  • 黎秀石编著;寥世英责任编辑 著
  • 出版社: 长沙:湖南教育出版社
  • ISBN:7284·491
  • 出版时间:1985
  • 标注页数:531页
  • 文件大小:15MB
  • 文件页数:544页
  • 主题词:


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第一单 元引言1

1.Newspaper English3

2.“The English Language Is Changing,Not Going Rotten.”9

第二单元 读报第一要领——看新闻出处16

1.Dalai Lama,Citing China's Stance,Sees Hope He Can Return to Tibet21

2.Evans Quits as Times Editor27

3.The Establishment Paper Where the Losses Go On and On30

4.How Whitehall Managed the News36

5.All the News That Reagan Likes to Read48

6.Environmental Depletion Threatens Global Economy59

7.Hospital Collapses66

第三单元 读报第二要领——抓重点(一)70



1.Stepping On Peking's Toes83

2.China's Greek Chorus89

3.UK Oil Self-Sufficiency to End This Year96

4.Obituary:E.H.Carr:The History of Russia101

第四单元 读报第二要领——抓重点(二)106

1.U.S.Vice President Walter F.Mondale's Speech at Beijing University108

2.Soviets Revive Gigantic Plan to Water Asian Deserts with Siberian Rivers129

第五单元 读报第三要领——带着问题读(一)135

1.Conquering the USSR's Wild East,But the137

Heroes Are a Bit Tired137

2.A 15-Year Cover-UP in Britain148

3.Government Warning to Ex-Spy Sets Off Political Storm in Britain153

4.Britain:Finding the Fourth Man161

5.A Tale of Cambridge in the 1930's163

6.U.S.and Philippines Sign New Defence Agreement168

7.A Self-inflicted Disaster171

第六单元 读报第三要领——带着问题读(二)174

1.Democrats Go All-out for Ted Kennedy175

2.Kennedy Factor in the White House Reckoning177

3.Chappaquiddick the Still Unanswered Questions182

4.Pall on Trial:Why Weren't the Victim's Cries Heeded?195

5.Hinckley,Insane,Is Innocent201

6.Six Shots at a Nation's Heart204

第七单元 外国游客在中国222

1.Skyjack Over Shanghai223

2.A Cook's Tour of China238

3.Seeing China On Your Own:How a U.S.Couple Did It252

4.China's Great Wall of Wonder261

第八单元 外国人看中国问题(一)272

1.Three Visits to China Since 1978274

2.Economic Problemsof Socialism in China292

3.All Wrong,But All Right310

第九单元 外国人看中国问题(二)321

1.Keep Working with Peking322

2.“One Is Best”330

3.Dancing Off To China334

4.Zhao's Visit345

第十单元 外刊论香港问题347

1.How Long for Hong Kong?348

2.Hong Kong Clears the First Hurdle355

3.Hong Kong's Business Community Reacts Favorably to 1997 Plan364

4.East Asia Is Satisfied,Too371

第十一单元 看经济新闻374

1.Dollar Hits New Highs377

2.Riding on Uncle Sam's Coat-tails381

3.Wall Street Takes a Dive385

4.Tanker Index Rises 2 Poi nts;Most Area Rates Up389

5.Auto Sales in May Fell to'62 Lows393

6.Prosperity without Inflation——Interview with Four Nobel Prize Winners398

7.Reagan,President for the Rich433

第十二单元 看科技新闻441

1.Computerized Home Education Movement to TaKe Off443

2.West Germany Turned Off by Know-It-All Television449

3.Liver TransplantsWhy Are They Big News?455

4.Vitamin B-6 Warning464

5.Superplastics: Closing In on Glass and Metal467

第十三单元 看国际新闻475

1.Tass:Ban Space Arms before Deployment477

2.A Tale of Two Embassies480

3.Nicaraguan Boat Hits Rebel Mine492

4.Soviets Used Toxic Arms,Say Afgans495

5.India Establishing Antarctic Foothold497

6.Diplomacy: Honeymoon under the Hoops508

第十四单元 广告与漫画515


2)The Club That Beats the Street519

1)Dreamers,Heretics,Gadflies,Maveriks and Geniuses519

3)“I spend all day in the airport so our passengers won't have to.”524


Samples of Classified Advertisements524


1)A More Suitable Design for Vietnam War Memorial528

2)China Firms Taste Sweet and Sour of528


3)A Cartoon Without a Caption528

4)Another Cartoon Without a Caption529

