
当代美国概况 教师手册【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

当代美国概况 教师手册
  • 周静琼编著 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • ISBN:7810805487
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:217页
  • 文件大小:38MB
  • 文件页数:230页
  • 主题词:


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Chapter Ⅰ Introduction1


Focus Questions1

Topic for Term Paper2

Section A:Exposition Texts2


A2.The Formation of the Union3

A3.Population Trends6



American City:New York City9

Section B:Exploitation Activites10

B1.Pair work10

B2.Individual work12

B3.Research projects12

B4.Ask Americans13

Section C:Extension Tasks14

Feature:Traditional American Values14

Important Terms in American Studies14

Linking Past and Present:The National Bird—the Bald Eagle15

Chapter Ⅱ The Constitution and the Government System16


Focus Questions16

Topic for Term Paper16

Section A:Exposition Texts17

A2.The Constitution17

A4.The Structure of the Federal Government19

A5.The Federal System21

Section B:Exploitation Activites22

B1.Individual work22

B2.Pair work23

B3.Group work24

Section C:Extension Tasks25

Table 1 Government Versus Personal Responsibility,1983—199825

Table 2 How Efficient Is the Government?26

Table 3 Can the Government Have a Positive Impact?26

Linking Past and Present:Uncle Sam26

Chapter Ⅲ The Amendments28


Focus Questions28

Topic for Term Paper29

Section A:Exposition Texts30

A1.The Bill of Rights30

A2.The Remaining Amendments31

A4.Illustrations of the Amendments33

Section B:Exploitation Activites35

B2.Pair work35

B4.Research project35

B5.Essay topics35

Linking Past and Present:Fair Trial36

Chapter Ⅳ Education37


Focus Questions37

Topic for Term Paper37

Section A:Exposition Texts38

A1.American Perceptions of Education38

A2.Elementary and Secondary Education39

A3.Higher Education40

Section B:Exploitation Activites47

B2.Pair work47

B4.Research projects47

Section C:Extension Tasks48

C1.Feature:Community Colleges48

When Intellectual Life Is Optional for Students49

Linking Past and Present:Noah Webster51

Chapter Ⅴ Immigration and Ethnicity52


Focus Questions52

Topics for Term Paper52

Section A:Exposition Texts53


A2.Melting Pot vs.Salad Bowl54

A3.American Immigration Policies56

A4.The Changing Face of Ethnicity in America59

A5.Affirmative Action59

Section B:Exploitation Activites62

B1.Individual work62

B2.Pair work62

B3.Group discussion62

B4.Essay topic62

Linking Past and Present63

1.Ellis Island and Angel Island63

2.Native Americans63

Chapter Ⅵ Family and Personal Relationships64


Focus Questions64

Topic for Term Paper65

Section A:Exposition Texts65

A1.What Is Family65


A4.Family Life66

A5.Divorce and Cohabitation70


Section B:Exploitation Activites73

B1.Group discussion73

B2.Pair work73

Section C:Extension Tasks75

C3.Do Gay People Have Rights?75

Linking Past and Present:The Hamburger76

Chapter Ⅶ Domestic Economy77


Focus Questions77

Topic for Term Paper78

Section A:Exposition Texts78

A3.The General Economic Situation after World War Ⅱ and a Transformed Economic Structure78

A4.U.S.Financial Markets79

A5.Aspects of Corporations and Small Businesses81

A6.U.S.Foreign Trade82

A7.Tax Policy86

Section B:Exploitation Activites88

B1.Individual work88

B2.Pair work88

B3.Ask Americans88

B4.Research projects89

Section C:Extension Tasks92

The Three Macroeconomic Theories that Dominate American Economic Decision Making92

Definitions of the American Dream93

Linking Past and Present93

1.A New System of Time Zones93

2.The New England Yankee93

Chapter Ⅷ Social Welfare95


Focus Questions95

Topic for Term Paper95

Section A:Exposition Texts96

A2.Social Welfare up to 199696

A3.The Reform of 1996 and the Changing Attitudes98

Section B:Exploitation Activites101

B3.Group work101

B4.Essay topic101

Section C:Extension Tasks103

C2.Life Begins at Sixty-five?103

Linking Past and Present:The Hot Dog104

Chapter Ⅸ Political Parties and Interest Groups105


Focus Questions105

Topic for Term Paper105

Section A:Exposition Texts106

A1.The Evolution of Two-Party Democracy106

A2.Party Functions107

A3.Traditional Images of the Two Parties107

A5.Interest Groups108

Section B:Exploitation Activites112

B1.Individual work112

B2.Pair work112

B3.Essay topic113

B4.Ask Americans113

Linking Past and Present:How Abraham Lincoln Emerged as a National Leader Through Political Debates114

Chapter Ⅹ Work115


Focus Questions115

Topic for Term Paper115

Section A:Exposition Texts116

A1.A Portrait of the U.S.Labor Market Today116

A2.Job Security and the Service Sector118

A4.The Graying of the Workforce121

A5.Telecommuting and Changes in the World of Work122

Section B:Exploitation Activites123

B1.Individual work123

B2.Pair work123

B3.Essay topics124

Linking Past and Present:Blue Jeans126

Chapter Ⅺ The Print Media127


Focus Questions127

Topics for Term Paper127

Section A:Exposition Texts128


A3.Ownership of the Print Media131

Section B:Exploitation Activites132

B1.Pair work132

B2.Individual work132

B3.Research projects133

Section C:Extension Tasks135

C1.Feature:Esquire,an Introduction to the Current State of the Magazine Industry135

Linking Past and Present:Magazines and Newspapers in the 19th Century135

Chapter Ⅻ The Electronic Media136


Focus Questions136

Topics for Term Paper136

Section A:Exposition Texts137

A3.The Three Giant Networks and the Organization of the Traditional Television Industry137

A5.Media Controls—Laws and Regulations138

A6.The Internet141

Section B:Exploitation Activites143

B1.Individual work143

B3.Research project143

B4.Essay topic143

Section C:Extension Tasks144

C1.Feature:Presidential Election and TV144

Linking Past and Present:From Cable to the Wireless145

Chapter ⅩⅢ Leisure and Recreation146


Focus Questions146

Topic for Term Paper146

Section A:Exposition Texts147

A1.Trends in Leisure Time147

A2.Sports and Campus Recreation147

A3.Indoor and"Invisible"Leisure Activities148

A4.Theme Parks149

A5.Factors that Promote Leisure and Recreation149

A6.Leisure-Service Agencies149

A7.Trends Affecting Leisure in the 21st Century151

Section B:Exploitation Activites154

B1.Pair work154

B2.Group work154

B3.Debating topic155

B4.Research projects156

Section C:Extension Tasks156

C1.Feature:Disneyland,More Than an Entertainment Empire156

C2.The Federal Government's Role in Recreation157

Linking Past and Present:1.Jazz 2.Central Park and Macy's157

Chapter ⅩⅣ Tourism and Holidays159


Focus Questions159

Topics for Term Paper159

Section A:Exposition Texts160

A1.Tourism,a Major Industry160

A3.Leisure Plus Travel161

A4.Tourism Organization162

A5.Tourist Attractions163

A6.Holidays in the U.S.A164

Section B:Exploitation Activites165

B2.Pair work165

B4.Debating topic167

Linking Past and Present:Mount Rushmore167

Chapter ⅩⅤ Justice and the Law169


Focus Questions169

Topic for Term Paper170

Section A:Exposition Texts170

A1.Judicial Independence170

A2.Essentials of Law172

A3.Types of Courts173


A5.The Legal Profession177

A6.Access to Legal Services178

A7.The Apparatus of Justice179

A8.Problems with the American Criminal Justice System180

Section B:Exploitation Activites181

B2.Pair work181

B4.Group discussion181

Section C:Extension Tasks182

C1.Feature:Race and Criminal Justice182

Linking Past and Present:The President and the Supreme Court183

Chapter ⅩⅥ Crime and the Police184


Focus Questions184

Topicsfor Term Paper184

Section A:Exposition Texts185

A1.General Introduction:Crime in America185

A3.Crime Policy in the U.S188

A4.Firearms Violence and Gun Control Legislation188

A5.Drug Offenses189

A6.Juvenile Crime and the Juvenile Court190

A7.Community Policing:a New Approach to Make America Safer191

Section B:Exploitation Activites192

B1.Pair work192

B3.Essay topics193

B4.Research project193

Linking Past and Present:Minority Groups in Policing194

Chapter ⅩⅦ America and the World195


Focus Questions195

Topics for Term Paper196

Section A:Exposition Texts196

A1.Foreign Affairs Bureaucracy196

A2.The Foreign Policymaking Process197

A3.America in the Cold War197

A4.The Post-Cold War Era202

A5.The Middle East:a Multilateral Peace Process204

A6.Terrorism and Counterterrorism205

Section B:Exploitation Activites206

B1.Individual work206

B2.Pair work206

B3.Essay topics207

Section C:Extension Tasks207

C1.Feature:The United Nations and U.S.Domestic Politics207

Linking Past and Present207

1.U.S.Overseas Expansion and the Fate of Puerto Rico207

2.Can Women Do Combat Jobs208

Chapter ⅩⅤⅢ Belief and Religion209


Focus Questions209

Topics for Term Paper210

Section A:Exposition Texts210

A1.How Religious Are Americans?210

A2.Major Themes in the Development of American Religions211

A3.20th Century Diversity and Pluralism211

A4.The Changing Religious Landscape213

Section B:Exploitation Activites214

B1.Pair work214

B2.Group discussion215

Linking Past and Present:School Prayer and Congressional Backlash217
