
- 孟飞,彭雪静本书主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:石油工业出版社
- ISBN:9787502160074
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:328页
- 文件大小:83MB
- 文件页数:343页
- 主题词:英语-词汇-高等学校-水平考试-自学参考资料
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Unit 1 Work and School Jokes2
[一]无法完成的期末考试 Impossible final exams2
[二]缺考的学生 Two students missing an exam6
[三]联邦调查局的面试 A Job Interview with FBI9
[四]玛丽的妙语 Many's Answers13
[五]孤僻的小男生 An Isolated Little Boy16
[六]经理的愿望 The Manager's wish19
[七]公司赛艇 Boot Race between Companies22
[八]如何显得很忙 How to Look Busy at Work26
[九]卫生间里的口红 Lipstick in the Bathroom30
[十]噩耗 Word of the Tragedy33
Unit 2 Animals37
[一]试飞 Trying To Fly37
[二]夜贼与鹦鹉 The Burglar and The Parrot40
[三]农夫的宝贝羊 The Farmer's Prize Goat43
[四]死兔 Dead Rabbit46
[五]购买鳄鱼皮鞋 Buy Alligator Shoes49
[六]赛场上的马 Horses at the Race52
[七]这些鸡要书 These Chickens Want Books55
[八]棕发小姐的绝招 Comfortable58
[九]调查一起严重事故 Investigating A Terrible Accident62
[十]找工作的狗 A Dog Wants an Office Job65
Unit 3 Lawyers70
[一]好心的律师 The Kind Lawyer!70
[二]永恒的婚姻 Eternal Marriage73
[三]信任 Trust76
[四]天国门外的律师 Lawyer at the Pearly Gates80
[五]地狱里的房间 Room in Hell83
[六]买票 Ticket Please86
[七]教皇与律师 The Pope and the Lawyer89
[八]律师的说服力 Lawyer:Send Me92
[九]付出 Giving95
[十]得克萨斯式的公正 Texas Justice98
Unit 4 Old People Jokes103
[一]60岁的老人 60-year-old man103
[二]重返童年 To Be Young Again106
[三]三个老人 Three Old Men109
[四]老奶奶和警察 Granny and the Cop113
[五]叫我妈妈 Call Me"Mother"116
[六]会说话的青蛙 Talking Frog119
[七]护理所 The Nursing Home122
[八]妖怪与啤酒 Genie and the Beer126
[九]汽笛声 The Whistle129
[十]这是第一次 That's Once133
Unit 5 Kids138
[一]巨大的秘密 Deep Dark Secrets138
[二]洗狗 Washing the Dog!141
[三]童言无忌 Kid Sayings!144
[四]孩子的高见 Sound Advice From Kids!147
[五]爸爸的过去与今天 Fathers then&now150
[六]吞了一枚硬币 Swallowed A Penny153
[七]艾伦,别哭 Ellen,Don't Cry156
[八]定义青少年 Defining teenagers159
[九]祷告 Praying162
[十]寻找丹尼 Finding Danny165
Unit 6 Bar Jokes169
[一]神奇的青蛙 Looking to buy a frog?169
[二]允许上班喝酒的理由 Reasons to Allow Drinking At Work173
[三]我不欠你的酒钱 I don't owe anything for this drink176
[四]测试 The Test179
[五]酒吧里的熊猫 Panda in a Bar182
[六]爬回家 Crawling Home185
[七]在三个字之内 In Just 3 Words188
[八]酒吧里的修女 A nun arrives at the local bar191
[九]喝啤酒的科学解释 Great Reason to Drink Beer!194
[十]它看起来像塑料 It Looks Like Plastic197
Unit 7 Doctors201
[一]医学院的新学生 The New Medical Students201
[二]寻找牙医 Looking For a Dentist204
[三]大声喧哗的技工 The Loud-mouthed Mechanic207
[四]你可以买单吗? Can You Pay the Bill?210
[五]臭屁不断 Farts Everywhere!213
[六]你所不想听到的 You Don't Want to Hear These216
[七]葬礼 Funeral219
[八]三个精神病医生 Three Shrinks222
[九]钙 Calcium225
[十]五个医生 Five Doctors228
Unit 8 Computer Jokes232
[一]比尔·盖茨在天国之门 Bill Gates at the Pearly Gates!232
[二]新年的决心 New Year's Resolutions236
[三]盖茨与通用 Gates Vs GM239
[四]电脑是男是女? Computers:Male or Female?242
[五]问电脑:上帝存在吗? To Computer:Is There a God?246
[六]女友升级 Girlfriend Upgrades249
[七]何时关电脑 It's Time to Turn Off the Computer When252
[八]新病毒 New viruses256
[九]世界上最聪明的人 The World's Smartest Man259
[十]电脑房搞怪10大绝招 10 Ways to Mess With People in a Computer Lab262
Unit 9 Fools266
[一]神奇的电梯 Elevator266
[二]侍者的汤匙 Waiter's Spoon269
[三]酒后驾车 Drunk Driving272
[四]应聘驯狮员 Lion tamer275
[五]食人族轶事 Cannibals278
[六]三个信封 Three envelopes281
[七]格林先生的窍门 Green's Tips284
[八]圣徒 Saint287
[九]有打火机吗? Got a Light?291
[十]愚人正传 True Stories294
Unit 10 Musician Jokes298
[一]天国之门的音乐家 Musician at the Pearly Gates298
[二]盲兔与盲蛇 Blind Rabbit and Blind Snake301
[三]小提琴师的谎言 Violinist's Lie304
[四]偏见 Prejudice307
[五]神奇的填充老鼠 Stuffed Rat310
[六]临时指挥 Temporary Conductor313
[七]中提琴手和羊 A Violist and Sheep316
[八]芝加哥交响乐团的音乐家 A Musician from the Chicago Symphony319
[九]音乐界的秘密 Secrets of the Music Biz322
[十]荒岛鼓声 Continuous drum325
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