开心英语 初级本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 宓智瑛等编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国和平出版社
- ISBN:7801546032
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:279页
- 文件大小:9MB
- 文件页数:296页
- 主题词:
开心英语 初级本PDF格式电子书版下载
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Part One jingles and Rhymes 第一部分 顺口溜与押韵句6
Seclion 1 Natural World 自然类6
1.Let s Go to the Moon 让我们奔向月亮6
2.Star 星星6
3.Four Seasons 四季6
4.Ode to the Natural Law自然规律颂8
5.Winter,Summer 冬天,夏天8
6.Wind Direction风向8
7.Breeze Blows 微风吹10
8.Spring 春10
11.Cat to Get Hal 猫儿买帽12
10.Evening Red or Grey 晚上天红或天灰暗12
9.Red Sky 红天空12
12.Kittens Want Mittens 小猫咪想戴连指手套14
13.Snow and Bird 雪与鸟14
14.The Early Bird 早起鸟16
15.The Owl 猫头鹰16
16.Wonderful Animal Realm 奇妙的动物界18
17.Elephant Jumps Fence 大象跳墙20
18.Strange Bird 怪鸟20
19.Selling Apple 卖苹果22
20.Tortoise Races with Rabbit 龟兔赛跑22
21.Little Chicks and Their Mother 小鸡和鸡妈妈24
22.The Holly and the Ivy 冬青树与常春藤26
24.The Owl and the Pussy-cat 猫头鹰和猫咪28
23.Owl and Panther Share a Pie 猫头鹰和黑豹分吃馅饼28
25.Odeto Colours 色彩赋30
Section 2 Humanity and Its Culture 人文类34
26.Sing a Song 唱唱歌34
27.Mutual Help 互相帮助34
28.Lock Your Heartaches 锁起你的伤心事36
29.What Did You Learn in School Today? 今天在学校里学的啥?36
30.One,Two,Three…… 一、二、三40
31.Mother,Daughter and Son 母亲、女儿和儿子40
32.Try,Try Again 再试试看42
33.Toy 玩具44
35.How to Thrive 如何发达兴旺46
36.Don t Worry 不要苦恼46
34.I Like Honey 我喜欢吃蜂蜜46
37.There is a Time… 有时候……48
38.Home is Best 还是家最好48
39.Quietest Places 最安静的地方48
40.King Canute 克努特国王50
41.Laugh Now and Then 笑口常开50
42.“It Can t Be Done “这事做不到”52
43.Motto for Motorists 开汽车者的座右铭54
44.Peas Pudding 豌豆布丁54
45.Making a Pancake 做煎饼56
46.The Bells of London 伦敦的教堂钟56
47.Speak in Public 公开演讲58
48.Incompetent Speaker 蹩脚演讲者60
50.Mariners Life 海员的生活62
49.I Shall Not See the Shadows 我将看不到幽灵62
52.St. Mary s Bell 圣·玛丽教堂的钟声64
51.Mayfair 五月的交易会64
53.Leisured Polynesians 悠闲自在的波利尼西亚人66
54.We Gallop Together 我们一同骑马飞奔68
55.Pain and Gain 努力与收获70
56.Friend 朋友70
57.Better to Keep Secret 最好保密70
58.Early to Bed, Early to Arise 早睡早起70
59.You Must Hump 必须努力劳动70
60.How to Get Ahead 怎样赢72
61.Good, Better, Best 好,更好,最好72
63.Mary at Cottage Door 玛丽在小屋门口74
64.Two Is Company 两成一对74
Section 3 Miscellanen 综合类74
62.A Little Girl 一位小姑娘74
65.Lady and Tiger 女人郎和老虎76
66.Whiskers Never Shaven 络腮胡子从不修整76
67.Swallow Seeds 吞种子76
68.Lady with Narrow Mouth 小嘴女郎78
69.A Young Man from Quebec 魁北克一位年轻人78
70.Peter and His Wife 彼得和妻子80
71.Big Ear and Small Ear 大耳、小耳80
72.She Falls into River 她跌入河里80
74.Once Bit, Twice Shy 一回挨咬,二回就怕82
75.Real Bad Luck 真正的倒霉82
73.Poor Little Emily 可怜的小埃米莉82
76.Jack and Jill Fetch Water 杰克和吉尔取水84
77.Father William 威廉神父84
78.Boy Sneezes 男孩打喷嚏86
79.Poor Husband 怯懦的丈夫86
80.An old Man and Bell 老人与钟88
81.Queen of Hearts Makes Tarts 红桃女王做馅饼90
82.An Old Person of Troy 特洛伊城一位老头92
83.A Lady from Clewer 克鲁尔的一个女人92
Section 4 Additament 8 Poems附加 诗8首94
1.The Night before Christmas 圣诞节前夜94
3.No Enemy Here 这里没有仇敌102
2.Never Doubt I Love 千万不要怀疑我的爱情102
4.The Coming of Spring 春天正来到104
5.I Wander as a Cloud 我像一朵云般地漫游106
6.Rise Like Lions 像狮子一样站起来106
7.Nothing Gold Can Stay 没有最美好的东西长久不变108
Part Two Tongue Twisters 第二部分 绕口令118
1.Sea Shells 海贝壳118
2.Six Silly Sisters 六位傻姐妹118
3.Canners 罐头工人118
4.Ten Tiny Tortoises 10只小乌龟120
5.Good Cooks 好厨师120
6.Rat-catcher 捕鼠器120
9.A Cricket 蟋蟀122
8.Jenny and Jimmy 詹妮和吉米122
7.Write Wright Right 把赖特写正确122
10.Peter Peper 彼得·派泊124
11.A Finish Fisher 一位芬兰捕鱼人124
12.Billboard and Board Bill 广告牌和伙食账单126
13.Building a Building 建房子126
14.Feathers on Throat 颈上的羽毛126
15.A Flea and A Fly 跳蚤和苍蝇128
16.Pause for Applause 停一下,鼓鼓掌128
17.Doctor Doing the Doctoring 医生做诊治128
18.Can You Say Quickly… 你能很快地说130
19.Franc s Father 弗兰克的父亲130
22.Shoes and Shirts Shop 鞋和衬衣商店132
20.Mr. Black 布莱克先生132
21.Badmin Vs. Bill 巴德明对比尔132
23.Swim in River 在河里游泳134
24.Mend the Dent 修理凹陷134
25.He Sells Eggs 他卖鸡蛋134
26.Ask Path 问路134
27.Where Is the Watch? 表到哪儿去了?136
28.Trees Beaten by Breeze 树被微风掠过136
29.Bait Bears Babies 逗弄熊宝宝136
30.Do You Agree?你同意吗?136
31.Paul Slips on the Floor 保罗滑倒在地上136
34.I Buy My Ties 我买领带138
33.The Surly Merchant 乖戾的商人138
32.Choose Blue Shoes 选择蓝颜色鞋子138
35.Drive to See a Fight 开车去观战140
36.Fing the Roundabout 找到了环形路口140
37.Boy Spoils Toy 男孩糟蹋玩具140
38.His Fear is Clear 他的恐惧烟消云散了142
39.Better Take Care 最好当心点儿142
40.Rare Chair 稀罕椅子142
41.Tell the Days of Yore 讲述过去的事情142
44.Old Cromes Speak in low Tone 干瘪老太婆用低声调讲话144
45.Tight-fitting T-shirt 紧身圆领衫144
43.The Paint Pails 他们油漆水桶144
42.A Swan and a Snake 天鹅与蛇144
46.Do Dare-devil Deeds 干鲁莽大胆的事146
47.The King Curses the Courtiers 国王责骂大臣146
48.Aware What to Wear 知道穿什么146
49.The Amount Is Amazing 数量惊人146
50.It Is a Fine Thing这是件好事148
51.The Four Flour Factories 四个面粉厂148
52.The Poor Farmer 可怜的农夫148
53.Flames in Fireplace 壁炉的火焰148
54.Mr. Cook s Advice 库克先生的忠告150
55.What an Ass 好一个蠢货150
56.James Is Amazed 詹姆斯感到惊讶150
59.Charles Charters a Launch 查尔斯租汽艇152
60.George Reaches the Bridge 乔治抵达桥上152
57.Treasure the Leisure 珍惜闲暇时光152
58.Watch Children Playing 观看儿童玩耍152
61.Travel by Train 坐火车旅行154
62.Drive the Dray 赶大车154
63.Winter in Wales 威尔士的冬天154
64.We Wonder if… 我们不知道154
65.A Swallow Swallows A Wasp 燕子吞食黄蜂156
66.Sad Black Lad 忧伤的黑人少年156
67.I Know You Know 我知道你知道156
68.Bill Beats a Big Bbeast 比尔打巨兽158
69.Peasant and Pheasant 农夫和山鸡158
70.Hens and Pens 母鸡和钢笔158
71.Write by the Light 在灯光下写字158
74.Lots of Clocks 许多钟表160
72.Jim Is Nimble and Thin 吉姆又机敏又瘦削160
73.Dad Is Glad 父亲很高兴160
75.Absurd Word 荒唐话162
76.Awake 没有睡着162
77.Can t Hide Delight 掩饰不住兴奋162
78.Noisy Noise 喧闹声162
79.Mary s Hair 玛丽的头发164
80.A Tight Hat 帽子太紧164
81.The Duke Drinks Deep 公爵酒喝多了164
82.Wooden Whistle 木口哨164
83.Choose Shoes 挑选鞋子164
88.Sally, Sandy and Susan 萨莉、桑迪和苏珊166
85.Sand Sacks 沙袋子166
84.Make Batter 做面糊糊166
86.Repair Chair 修椅子166
89.Nice Number 好数字168
90.Swans Soaring 天鹅高飞168
91.Tie a Tie 打领带168
92.London s Lamp 伦敦的路灯168
93.Shadows 阴影170
94.Everest Elevator 珠穆朗玛峰电梯170
95.Boy Destroys Toy 男孩损坏玩具170
98.Blow Balloons 吹气球172
100.Keep Sheep in… 把羊关在172
99.Girls in Skirts 穿裙子的姑娘172
97.Scented Soap 香皂172
96.Cat Catches Rat 猫捉老鼠172
101.Mixed Meal 混合饭174
102.Knit Knickers 织灯笼裤174
103.Follow Fashion 赶时髦174
104.Swallow and Wasp 燕子与黄蜂176
105.River-Bank Bank 河岸银行176
106.Think-Tanker 智囊人物176
107.Propagating Problem 普及问题178
108.Teachers 教师178
Part Three Childishness and Child Fun 第三部分 童心童趣182
Content 内文182
Part Four Anecdotes about Chinese in Leanning and Speaking English 第四部分 中国人学英语、说英语逸闻趣事268
Content 内文268
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