
UNIX环境高级编程 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

UNIX环境高级编程 英文版
  • (美)W.Richard Stevens著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:机械工业出版社
  • ISBN:7111095081
  • 出版时间:2002
  • 标注页数:744页
  • 文件大小:23MB
  • 文件页数:770页
  • 主题词:


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Chapter 1. Introduction1

1.1 Introduction1

1.2 Logging In1

1.3 Files and Directories3

1.4 Input and Output6

1.5 Programs and Processes9

1.6 ANSI C Features12

1.7 Error Handling14

1.8 User Identification16

1.9 Signals17

1.10 Unix Time Values19

1.11 System Calls and Library Functions20

1.12 Summary23

2.2.1 ANSI C25

2.2 Unix Standardization25

Chapter 2. Unix Standardization and Implementations25

2.1 Introduction25

2.2.2 IEEE POSIX26

2.2.3 X/Open XPG328

2.2.4 FIPS28

2.3 Unix Implementations28

2.3.1 System V Release 429

2.3.2 4.3+BSD29

2.5 Limits30

2.4 Relationship of Standards and Implementations30

2.5.1 ANSI C Limits31

2.5.2 POSIX Limits32

2.5.3 XPG3 Limits34

2.5.4 sysconf, pathconf, and fpathconf Functions34

2.5.5 FIPS 151-1 Requirements39

2.5.6 Summary of Limits41

2.5.7 Indeterminate Run-Time Limits41

2.7 Primitive System Data Types44

2.6 Feature Test Macros44

2.8 Conflicts Between Standards45

2.9 Summary46

Chapter 3. File I/O47

3.1 Introduction47

3.2 File Descriptors47

3.3 open Function48

3.4 creat Function50

3.6 lseek Function51

3.5 close Function51

3.7 read Function54

3.8 write Function55

3.9 I/O Efficiency55

3.10 File Sharing56

3.11 Atomic Operations60

3.12 dup and dup2 Functions61

3.13 fcntl Function63

3.14 ioctl Function67

3.15 /dev/fd69

3.16 Summary70

Chapter 4. Files and Directories73

4.1 Introduction73

4.2 stat, fstat, and lstat Functions73

4.3 File Types74

4.4 Set-User-ID and Set-Group-ID77

4.5 File Access Permissions78

4.6 Ownership of New Files and Directories81

4.7 access Function82

4.8 umask Function83

4.9 chmod and fchmod Functions85

4.10 Sticky Bit88

4.11 chown, fchown, and lchown Functions89

4.12 File Size90

4.13 File Truncation91

4.14 Filesystems92

4.15 link, unlink, remove, and rename Functions95

4.16 Symbolic Links99

4.17 symlink and readlink Functions102

4.18 File Times102

4.19 utime Function103

4.20 mkdir and rmdir Functions106

4.21 Reading Directories107

4.22 chdir, fchdir, and getcwd Functions112

4.23 Special Device Files114

4.24 sync and fsync Functions116

4.25 Summary of File Access Permission Bits117

4.26 Summary118

Chapter 5. Standard I/O Library121

5.1 Introduction121

5.2 Streams and FILE Objects121

5.3 Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error122

5.4 Buffering122

5.5 Opening a Stream125

5.6 Reading and Writing a Stream127

5.7 Line-at-a-Time I/O130

5.8 Standard I/O Effciency131

5.9 Binary I/O133

5.10 Positioning a Stream135

5.11 Formatted I/O136

5.12 Implementation Details138

5.13 Temporary Files140

5.14 Alternatives to Standard I/O143

5.15 Summary143

6.2 Password File145

Chapter 6. System Data Files and Information145

6.1 Introduction145

6.3 Shadow Passwords148

6.4 Group File149

6.5 Supplementary Group IDs150

6.6 Other Data Files152

6.7 Login Accounting153

6.8 System Identification154

6.9 Time and Date Routines155

6.10 Summary159

Chapter 7. The Environment of a Unix Process161

7.1 Introduction161

7.2 main Function161

7.3 Process Termination162

7.4 Command-Line Arguments165

7.5 Environment List166

7.6 Memory Layout of a C Program167

7.8 Memory Allocation169

7.7 Shared Libraries169

7.9 Environment Variables172

7.10 set jmp and longjmp Functions174

7.11 getrlimit and setrlimit Functions180

7.12 Summary184

Chapter 8. Process Control187

8.1 Introduction187

8.2 Process Identifiers187

8.3 fork Function188

8.4 vfork Function193

8.5 exit Functions195

8.6 wait and waitpid Functions197

8.7 wait3 and wait4 Functions202

8.8 Race Conditions203

8.9 exec Functions207

8.10 Changing User IDs and Group IDs213

8.11 Interpreter Files217

8.12 system Function221

8.13 Process Accounting226

8.14 User Identification231

8.15 Process Times232

8.16 Summary235

Chapter 9. Process Relationships237

9.1 Introduction237

9.2 Terminal Logins237

9.3 Network Logins241

9.4 Process Groups243

9.5 Sessions244

9.6 Controlling Terminal246

9.7 tcgetpgrp and tcsetpgrp Functions247

9.8 Job Control248

9.9 Shell Execution of Programs252

9.10 Orphaned Process Groups256

9.11 4.3+BSD Implementation259

9.12 Summary261

Chapter 10. Signals263

10.1 Introduction263

10.2 Signal Concepts263

10.3 signal Function270

10.4 Unreliable Signals274

10.5 Interrupted System Calls275

10.6 Reentrant Functions278

10.7 SIGCLD Semantics279

10.8 Reliable Signal Terminology and Semantics282

10.9 kill and raise Functions283

10.10 alarm and pause Functions285

10.11 Signal Sets291

10.12 sigprocmask Function292

10.13 sigpending Function293

10.14 sjgaction Function296

10.15 sigsetjmp and siglongjmp Functions299

10.16 sigsuspend Function303

10.17 abort Function309

10.18 system Function310

10.19 sleep Function317

10.20 Job-Control Signals319

10.21 Additional Features320

10.22 Summary323

Chapter 11.Terminal I/O325

11.1 Introduction325

11.2 Overview325

11.3 Special Input Characters331

11.4 Getting and Setting Terminal Attributes335

11.5 Terminal Option Flags336

11.6 stty Command342

11.7 Baud Rate Functions343

11.8 Line Control Functions344

11.9 Terminal Identification345

11.10 Canonical Mode349

11.11 Noncanonical Mode352

11.12 Terminal Window Size358

11.13 termcap,terminfo,and curses360

11.14 Summary360

Chapter 12.Advanced I/O363

12.1 Introduction363

12.2 Nonblocking I/O363

12.3 Record Locking367

12.4 Streams383

12.5 I/O Multiplexing394

12.5.1 select Function396

12.5.2 poll Function400

12.6 Asynchronous I/O402

12.6.1 System V Release 4403

12.6.2 4.3+BSD403

12.7 readv and writev Functions404

12.8 readv and writen Functions406

12.9 Memory Mapped I/O407

12.10 Summary413

13.2 Daemon Characteristics415

Chapter 13. Daemon Processes415

13.1 Introduction415

13.3 Coding Rules417

13.4 Error Logging418

13.4.1 SVR4 Streams log Drier419

13.4.2 4.3+BSD syslog Facility421

13.5 Client-Server Model424

13.6 Summary424

14.1 Introduction427

Chapter 14. Interprocess Communication427

14.2 Pipes428

14.3 Popen and pclose Functions435

14.4 Coprocesses441

14.5 FIFOs445

14.6 System V IPC449

14.6.1 Identifiers and Keys449

14.6.2 Permission Structure450

14.6.3 Configuration Limits451

14.6.4 Advantages and Disadvantages451

14.7 Message Queues453

14.8 Semaphores457

14.9 Shared Memory463

14.10 Client-Server Properties470

14.11 Summary472

15.1 Introduction475

15.2 Stream Pipes475

Chapter 15. Advanced Interprocess Communication475

15.3 Passing File Descriptors479

15.3.1 System V Release4481

15.3.2 4.3BSD484

15.3.3 4.3+BSD487

15.4 An Open Server, Version 1490

15.5 Client-Server Connection Functions496

15.5.1 System V Release 4497

15.2.2 4.3+BSD501

15.6 An Open Server, Version 2505

15.7 Summary514

Chapter 16. A Database Library515

16.1 Introduction515

16.2 History515

16.3 The Library516

16.4 Implementation Overview518

16.5 Centralized or Decentralized?521

16.6 Concurrency522

16.7 Source Code524

16.8 Performance545

16.9 Summary550

Chapter 17. Communicating with a PostScript Printer551

17.1 Introduction551

17.2 PostScript Communication Dynamics551

17.3 Printer Spooling554

17.4 Source Code556

17.5 Summary578

18.2 History579

Chapter 18. A Modem Dialer579

18.1 Introduction579

18.3 Program Design580

18.4 Data Files582

18.5 Server Design584

18.6 Server Source Code586

18.7 Client Design615

18.8 Client Source Code617

18.9 Summary629

Chapter 19. Pseudo Terminals631

19.1 Introduction631

19.2 Overview631

19.3 Opening Pseudo-Terminal Devices636

19.3.1 System V Release 4638

19.3.2 4.3+BSD640

19.4 pty_fork Function641

19.5 pty Program644

19.6 Using the pty Program648

19.7 Advanced Features655

19.8 Summary656

Appendix A. Function Prototypes659

Appendix B. Miscellaneous Source Code679

B.1 Our Header File679

B.2 Standard Error Routines681

Appendix C. Solutions to Selected Exercises687


