
- 王宗元,李并成编 著
- 出版社: 北京:地质出版社
- ISBN:7116003460
- 出版时间:1989
- 标注页数:121页
- 文件大小:10MB
- 文件页数:133页
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联系三大洲的纽带 A link of the three continents1
从螺祖养蚕谈起 To begin with Lei Zu s silkworm breading4
张骞的 凿空 之举 Zhang Qian s feats of opening up the Silk Road6
使者相望于道的时代The times when emissaries travelled back and forth along the Road8
盛况空前的国际贸易The exceptionally flourishing international trade10
传播友谊的使者 The emissaries who propagated friendship12
丝绸路上的各族人民 People of all nationalities along the Road15
广袤的西北大地 The vast stretching land of Northwest China17
富饶美丽的八百里秦川和宁夏平原 The beautiful and richly endowed 800-li Qinchuang and Ningxia plains20
生机勃勃的绿洲Aively oasis22
辽阔多样的草原 The vast and various grasslands24
冰川、沙漠和戈壁 Glacier,desert and gobi26
干旱的气候和丰富的光热资源Dry climate and rich resources of light and heat29
内陆流域的河湖特色 The characteristics of the inland rivers and lakes31
黄河上游丰富的水利资源 Abundant water resources in the upper reaches of the Yellow River34
丰富多样的矿产资源Rich and various mineral resources37
西北高原多盐湖 Plenty of salt lakes on the northwest plateaus39
珍稀的野生动物 Rare wild animals41
特有的野生植物 Special wild plants44
瓜甜果香誉天下 Various melons and fruits of world renown45
发展中的自然保护区The developing natural reserves47
罗布泊之谜 Mysteries of Luobubo49
沉宏神奇的古城遗址 The splendid and mysterious ruins of ancient cities52
西北森林话今昔The present and the past of forests in the Northwest57
沙漠的历史变迁 The historical changes of the deserts59
古地名趣话Interesting stories about the old names of places62
丝路明珠—莫高窟 Mogao Caves— a brilliant pearl on the Silk Road64
丝绸路上遍石窟 Caves scattered everywhere along the Road66
金碧辉煌的塔尔寺、拉卜楞寺和艾提尕尔清真寺 The magnificent Taer Temple,Labuleng Temple and Aitigaer68
绵延宏伟的古长城 The long and splendid ancient Great Wall70
古道雄关揽胜 Wonderful scenes of the impregnable passes along the Road74
地下博物馆—大地湾新石器遗址 An underground museum—ruins of neolithic age at Dadiwan76
千年古墓穴探奇 Exploring into the marvels of the thousand-year-old tombs78
丝路巍巍宝塔多 Numerous lofty towers dotted along the Road80
古都西安胜迹 Xi an,an ancient city,famous for its historic sites82
文物璀璨,饮誉五洲 Marvalous cultural relics which win fame over the world85
绚丽多彩的工艺美术品 Gorgeous and colourful handicraft products86
平地崛起 突飞猛进 Rise from poor conditions,and develop with great speed88
高速发展的能源工业 Energy industry is going ahead by leaps and bounds90
蓬勃发展的化学工业 The flourishing ahemical indusrty92
轻纺战线的新成就 New achievements in light and textile industries94
正在起步的乡镇企业 The Rising county—township enterprises96
“三西”建设开新篇 A new page in the construction of Three xi s98
举世瞩目的显学—郭煌吐鲁番学 Science of Dunhuang and Tulufan affracts the world100
华山天下雄,崆峒陇中秀 Huashan,a mountain famous for its magnificence; and Kongdong ,a hill well—kn102
从兴隆山到吐鲁沟 From xinglong Mountain to Tulu valley104
大漠奇景 Wonderful scenes in the vast desert106
变幻莫测的艾丁湖 The Changeable Aiding Lake108
仙境瑶池,高原银镜 The pool in Tianshan Mountain; like a shining mirror in Qinghai Plateau109
戈壁惊开新世界 The Gobi is making surprising changes111
绿色的希望 Hopes for a green desert113
马壮羊肥唱丰收 With horses brawny and sheep fat,the farmers celebrate a bumper harvest115
今日丝绸路上的交通运输 Today s traffic and transportation along the Road117
旅游之路,友谊之路 A road for tourism; a road for friendspip118
后记 Postscript121
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